The MIDOR refinery expansion project in Egypt reached its most significant stage yet when Technip Energies received the Provisional Acceptance Certificate in October.

This means that the work Technip Energies was asked to do has been completed to a level that the refinery expansion can be safely and effectively used, although some minor matters need to be resolved.

Juan David Lopez, Project Director, welcomed the news. He said: “This important milestone is the result of a good relationship with our client MIDOR as well as a great effort by our teams, our partners Enppi and Petrojet, and everyone involved in all the project phases. Technip Energies’ operating centers in Europe, Colombia, and India all contributed to the execution of this high-profile project.”

In total, our people have worked more than 90 million hours on site near Alexandria with the refinery still in operation. We have also carried out:

  • 13 shutdowns
  • More than 270 cumulative working days in shutdown
  • More than 9,000 tie-ins
  • The design, build and performance testing on 26 units.

We signed this major Engineering, Procurement, and Construction contract for the modernization and expansion of the Middle East Oil Refinery (Midor) in October 2018.